Your messages.
Your data.
Your business.

Sovereign Workspace BETA is here!


Private. Secure. Sovereign.

Log in with unique username and password of your choice.

min length

Read Important Information

Private & Secure.

Private & Secure

Use of Sovereign Workspace ensures no censorship and no exploitation of your valuable data. You are free to speak with privacy. You can earn money on your terms.




Communicate | Collaborate | Commercialise

Peer-to-peer social and business networking with Sovereign

You are free to communicate and transact with your fellow citizens on a peer-to-peer basis without fear of censorship. And, when you no longer want your data to be available, you don't have to ask anyone's permission to have it deleted because you are in complete control of it. No third party means no interference and no risk of data loss.
Peer-to-peer messaging is just the start. Sovereign includes a comprehensive set of trusted tools to navigate the Web3 world, where you have sovereignty over your data and business. Imagine your favourite messenger, cloud storage, social media or ecommerce platform but with you in total control of your narrative and the value you create.

Sovereign Messenger: private messaging

Secure, encrypted messaging between individuals and groups or communities. You choose your level of privacy.

Sovereign Drive: decentralized cloud storage

Your gateway to decentralized storage, hosting your personal, encrypted data on a distributed storage network with no centralised control, so you retain absolute control.

Sovereign Broadcast: decentralized news and social media

Write long form (Substack) or short form (Twitter), broadcast podcasts (Supercast) or videos (YouTube), hosting your content on Sovereign Drive for easy management.

Sovereign Market: simple, decentralised ecommerce

Create a beautiful, functional website to promote and manage your business, or simply host your personal profile. No technical skills required!

Decentralised, Autonomous Organisations

Collaborate with others or raise capital for your business or project with Sovereign DAOs and Decentralised Exchange.

The Price of Sovereignty

Transaction fees for using Sovereign apps are priced and paid in Sovereigns, the network currency. You can buy Sovereigns once you have logged into Sovereign Workspace and us them in the same way as software credits in other technological applications.

Domain Purchase

10 Sovereigns


Minimum amount required to register your domain. LIMITED OFFER - only 1,000 domains available at this price.

  • Own your own, private domain
  • One time fee, never expires, no renewal
  • Access all pay-as-you go features

Transaction Fees

10 Sovereigns


Fees are charged on a per transaction basisbased upon the type of activity. Typical usage is expected to be around $10 per month.

  • Low transaction fees and storage costs
  • Only pay for what you use
  • Roughly 1/2 cent for a simple message and 3 cents to store a hig-res image

Privacy of Thought.

Freedom to Express.

Freedom to Connect.

Right to Work.

What makes Sovereign different and why it's important.
  • Private by design

    All data is encrypted locally before being sent and stored on the network.
  • Sovereign by nature

    You are the only one with the encryption keys and control of the data store.
  • Censorship-free

    Distributed ledger means no-one can arbitrarily remove you or your content.
  • Safe and secure

    You retain control over what content you see and who can interact with you.